Vote RPG

Mayor: Kyrylo Vilhjálmsson

Grassy Patch

A single goat thoughtfully chews tufts of grass. There's no way to know where it came from or what its name is.

A mysterious goat

Rocky Clearing

Feel free to stack rocks while the Count & Balance Ascendancy Legislature is in session.

Orb Laboratory

An unassuming two-story building sits between some old trees. A multi-colored sculpture of orbs adorns the front lawn.

Grassy Patch

A single goat thoughtfully chews tufts of grass. There's no way to know where it came from or what its name is.

A mysterious goat

Straw Hut

Whispers drift from a makeshift dwelling that strongly resembles an enormous pile of straw dumped unceremoniously on the ground.

Overgrown Path

Some unkempt trees and bushes cover the entrance to a rough footpath that winds its way deep into the forest.

Grassy Patch

A single goat thoughtfully chews tufts of grass. There's no way to know where it came from or what its name is.

A mysterious goat